What can I count towards my field based experience hours?

What can I count towards my field based experience hours?

There are two types of FBE Hours: Active Engagement and Non-Engagement

Active Engagement (formerly known as Interactive Hours)

  1. Minimum of 25 hours actively working with students; can be used for all 50 of the hours!
  2. Best way to obtain hours for professional experience
    1. can be during summer school
    2. cannot include before/adter school tutoring or practices (or summer practices/rehearsals)
  3. Must include all of the following:
      1. Authentic school setting (face-to-face)
      2. Instruction by content certified teachers
      3. Actual students in classrooms/instructional settings; and
      4. Content or grade-level specific classrooms/instrcutional settings.

Non-Engagement (formerly known as Observation Hours)

  1. Can be up to 25 hours of all non-engagement activities combined (no more than that)
  2. Can include approved videos
  3. can include professional experiences in the classroom
  4. MUST be under the direction of the EPP
  5. May serve as a teacher of record* (the internship or clinical teaching cannot be factored into this)
  6. Service as an edicational aide*
  7. Service as a substitute teacher
  8. May use videos for up to 25 hours
  9. EPP DiscretionService must be minimum of 30 school days to count for the 25 hours (after 9/1/24). We are unable to substitute partial days for partial credit.
  10. Written reflections must be included for the above experiences.
*Service record and letter from district would be required.